投鼠忌器 词语解释
◎ 投鼠忌器 tóushǔ-jìqì
[throw something at a rat,but afraid to break the vase;caution in taking action;burn not your house to rid it of the mouse;spare the rat to save the dishes;those who live in grass house should not throw stones] 投打靠近器物的老鼠怕伤了器物。比喻想打击坏人而又有所顾忌,怕伤害好人而不敢作为
英语 lit. to refrain from shooting at the rat for fear of breaking the vases (idiom), to not act against an evil so as to prevent harm to innocents
德语 Das Kind nicht mit dem Bade ausschütten , Nicht nach der Ratte werfen, wenn Geschirr in der Nähe ist
投鼠忌器 成语解释
【示例】~宝玉瞒赃,判冤决狱平儿行权。 ◎清·曹雪芹《红楼梦》第六十一回